Tim and Kristy

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Tim grew up in western Michigan, Kristy in New Mexico, and both began to follow Christ as college students. After 20 years of service in the US Navy submarine force, Tim retired from active duty in 2005 to Omaha, Nebraska. It was in Omaha that Tim and Kristy began to be involved in mercy ministry and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. After several short-term mission trips to the US/Mexico border region, both Tim and Kristy began to pursue God’s call to serve in cross-cultural missions. 

Tim and Kristy serve with Mission to the World at Isaiah 55 Ministries where they are using their gifts to serve those in need, to see God’s kingdom expand along the US/Mexico border, and to see His church grow. They live in the neighborhood where the mission is located. Tim uses his skills in computers and technology to serve both the administrative side of the mission and also to offer those skills for vocational ministry among the deaf students and neighborhood community. Kristy helps to administer the neighborhood outreach activities and serves in a support role to her teammates. Mostly, their heart is to serve in whatever capacity the ministry requires. Their desire is to live as described by Micah 6:8- “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

Tim and Kristy have six children and six grandchildren. Three of their children, Ashley, Keilah and Lydia, are married, and the others, James, Susannah, and Sarah, are in various stages of work and school. 

Tim enjoys working with his hands be it gardening or building a remote control robot with neighborhood youth. Kristy is a gifted writer and loves sharing her unique life and experiences with beautifully complementary words and photographs.


Support:  Mission to the World #13324